The cartridge filters designed and manufactured by S.T.I.T.I. can remove solid particles from the gas by using a filtering element (cartridge or a set of cartridges) and to collect possible condensates.
The cartridge filters designed and manufactured by S.T.I.T.I. can remove solid particles from the gas by using a filtering element (cartridge or a set of cartridges) and to collect possible condensates.
S.T.I.T.I. has obtained certification / declaration according to ТР ТС 032/2013 and ТР ТС 010/2011, for the Russian, Belarus and Kazakhstan markets.
The cartridges are chosen according to the efficiency required, the pressure loss allowed and the type and quantity of impurities present in the gas.
S.T.I.T.I.’s gas filters can be equipped with control systems, allowing to check constantly the cleaning/dirty state of the cartridges.
In addition to our production standard of cartridge filters (dry filters), S.T.I.T.I. is able to supply filters for any operating condition and code/regulations.
Via Campagnola, 7
36040 Orgiano VICENZA
VAT No. 02031160241
Fiscal code/Company register no. 01311650285
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